Bill C-293 , 44th Parliament, 1st session
‘An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness’
For anyone able to read between the lines and connect a few dots, it should be clear by now that if we fail to stop this latest power grab by the Globalists, life in our country will change radically in the very near future. Canuck Law frames this proposed bill as the ‘International Pandemic Treaty Revisited’ and that’s exactly what it is: the WHO's ‘One Health’ project — in ‘sheep’s clothing.’ Those who would like to preserve their personal freedoms — and the sovereignty of this nation of course — must put a few words to paper now, and send them to the Senate.
It's been good to see a lot of push back over the last month against C-293, but this proposed legislation did pass through the House of Commons, and the fate of this bill now depends pressure we can bring to bear. I cannot overstate how important it is, therefore, that we all take the initiative and write. Despite what the ‘black-pilled’ among us will say, this isn't a futile exercise. Just look at the following page to see how many pieces of proposed legislation do actually fail: Senate Standing Votes
It should be no surprise to anyone that preventing future pandemics is absolutely the last thing this legislation will do. You'll have noticed, of course, that the true objective of many bills is precisely the opposite of the aims expressed in their titles. More often than not, once you read past the title and summary, you'll discover some other agenda hidden in the reams of text, or obscured by the vague and misleading language. This is the case with C-293, which seeks absolute control over every aspect of our lives in the name of preventing pandemics — ‘One Health’ is the most devious plan yet by this World-Hegemony Organization.
The average person, still, has never heard of ‘One Health’ — thanks to the outstanding work of mainstream media. As soon as this bill passes though, the mainstream will be called upon, and advertising revenue will start to flow in earnest. As it stands, you can see how much ‘stakeholder’ money has been flowing into this project behind the scenes, to ensure a bureaucracy is in place. Then you know, for sure, there’ll never be an end to public health emergencies, restrictions, digital ID and demands for vaccine mandates — so that Big Pharma can cash in too.
C-293, and ‘One Health,’ virtually guarantees the next plandemic. The people behind this scheme — United Nations and ‘pharmaceutical industrial complex’ technocrats — have been quite clear about their goals. ‘Biosecurity’ is a vehicle to move forward the agenda of ‘absolute (digital) control.’ The backbencher ‘Sponsor’ of this legislation (to whom we will return) is only a front, of course. If this bill is so important, why is it left to a backbencher to introduce? (Backbencher Bills often fail) Unless this is the stealth approach; an attempt to fly under the radar, and disarm.
As it happens, the Liberals and NDP — in Lockstep — voted this legislation through the House of Commons; while the opposition Conservatives and Bloc voted unanimously against it. As I mentioned previously (and as you can read below) Conservative MP Ted Falk posed numerous questions in the House. Perhaps the most pertinent of these: Why was the existing national Pandemic Preparedness Plan mysteriously abandoned in 2019? Who made this decision and (I would add) what did they know?
But let's move on to the new proposal, following that catastrophic WHO led response, in 2020. Needless to say, a full inquiry into this should be conducted before still more powers are handed to this captured and unaccountable organization. Here are a few excerpts from the actual text of this proposed legislation:
All of which is to say: You'll be eating bugs and lab-grown fake meat before you know it. Since any animal might be considered a vector for disease, family farms will be shut down, and those C40 Mayors will have you on a diet of no meat at all by 2030, if they can manage it. See page 78 of: 'THE FUTURE OF URBAN CONSUMPTION IN A 1.5°C WORLD – C40 CITIES (HEADLINE REPORT).
There’s more to read in both of the documents above, but it’s safe to say backyard chickens, ducks, rabbits, etc, will soon be deemed ‘high-risk species’ and banned by your local C40 Mayor and his or her Globalist technocrat friends — ‘Control the food and you control the people’ (whoever actually did say this was absolutely right). ‘One Health’ will likely be used as the reason for banning backyard gardens too, along with restrictions on water use, and all manner of strict new ‘land use’ bylaws (that you will read about in these documents). We see some municipalities already itching to push these biosecurity and food production control initiative forward, with an aim to ban chickens first of all.
We must examine all of this in much greater depth, but let's return, for now, to this Private Members Bill, which (in reality) is a World Health Organization initiative pushed down on sovereign nations and local municipalities.
On the subject of ‘alternative protein,’ insect production and lab-grown ‘meat’ has experienced unprecedented investment as a result of ESG requirements, and the people who have put money into this will expect a return on their investment. Yet no one in their right mind would voluntarily switch to a diet of bugs and ‘frankenmeat.’ There is a solution though, for those on the left: Have government force consumption of these products ‘for the good of the planet’ (following Big Pharma’s lead). This is the WEF’s new ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ model. Here are a few links to check out later:
Aze Alter's brilliant, and nightmarish, 'Eat the Bugs'
But let's look at the MP who sponsored this Bill: Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Liberal MP for the federal riding of Beaches—East York. I mentioned a lot of local podcasters have tried to warn people about C-293 Our Greater Destiny (Sept 14th), Gather 2030 (Sept 16th), Lawyer Lisa (Sept 1st), among others.
Brett Hayes spoke recently with ‘Lawyer Lisa’ (Sept 6th), and this conversation I found particularly interesting because she too has had previous interactions the Sponsor of C-293 (as you can hear from the 6 minute mark in this interview). In my case the correspondence goes back to 2022, and this MP’s promotion of UBI (which we must revisit at some point). Many people considered Erskine-Smith one of the Liberal ‘dissidents’ — one of the good guys (possibly) — though others see this ‘independent minded’ MP as ‘controlled opposition.’ An ‘up-and-coming’ member of parliament encourage to deviate from the pack on certain votes to give the impression that Liberals are actually open-minded and accepting of alternative views (but this too is a whole other discussion).
Following some back and forth on the subject of UBI (and the so-called ‘Sister Bills’ S-233 and C-223 (‘Unconditional Basic Income in Canada’) I did ask Nate about the subject of ‘controlled opposition.’ As Lawyer Lisa discovered, his office dismisses any such thing as ‘conspiracy theory,’ and we were both directed to his Mar 15th, 2022, podcast: ‘Conspiracies and common ground with Michelle Rempel’
The other ‘theory’ — as you will see here — is that Erskine-Smith and Michelle Rempel-Garner (both) are influenced by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Responding to this was an office assistant, and he thoughtfully including an ‘informative’ video on conspiracy theories. I must share this with you here, along with my response:
Tue, Apr 5, 2022, 3:59? PM:
'. . . [N]othing could be further from the truth. Yes, we do get a lot of email about the WEF, but it’s typically not from constituents.
For a great discussion on the recycled nature of the WEF theories, please do listen to this one:
‘. . . With respect to the Herle Berly video [above] I'm not really sure where to begin... You sent this to convince me that the WEF doesn't have undue influence in this country, yet almost everything discussed here suggest the opposite.
First, the podcast is sponsored by TELUS, which is involved directly with the WEF's own Digital ID initiative. The TELUS promotional spot, 12 minutes in, says IA and Block chain will connect to driverless tractors by satellite and drones will monitor fields. These ideas are direct from the pages of Schwab's The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Who needs farmers when AI and Robots can do this work? This is pure WEF technocratic ideology. And what is Justin Ling doing, hanging out with the folk at the “NATO Centre for Excellence in Misinformation” ? (39:30 mins) His dismissal of the suicides that have resulted from the lockdowns is callous and shameful.
Ling attempts to dismiss everything that contradicts the 'accepted CBC version of reality' (an astute comment by Senator Donald Neil Plett) as 'conspiracy theory.' He suggests, jokingly (at around 59 mins) that "if there is a cabal of bankers running the world, they're actually doing a pretty good job." Even you and Nate, surely, would disagree with this?’
Needless to say, I received no reply, and we’ve had no further correspondence. Some would suggest (and you be the judge when you watch this video) ‘independents’ with sponsors like this seem rather more like corporate shills than investigative journalists. As far as I can see, there are three kinds of people who might use the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ to dismiss someone:
The willfully obtuse. Those for whom the suggested reality is too frightening often choose to close their minds. Acceptance would mean the disturbance of, very often, comfortable lives — and sleepless nights for many others. It might also mean having to get involved. We must have patience with these folk all the same, although it is frustrating for those of us who commit so much of our own time and effort to halt the creeping totalitarianism.
A person with little knowledge or imagination who has been brainwashed by the mainstream media and programmed to reject anything that doesn't conform to the official narrative. We must have patience with these folk too, of course, and continue to share what we have learned. Also, see: The Indoctrinated Brain.
The last are those who are guilty as charged, and yet deflect these charges by demeaning and disparaging those who call them out. People will have no patience or tolerance (I suspect) for those who have knowingly betrayed the public trust to further their careers and enrich themselves.
When the 1967 CIA dispatch ‘Countering Criticism of the Warren Report’ became public knowledge, there has first a sense that the mainstream media was being ‘exploited’ to ‘improperly influence events and opinions,’ but a concerted effort followed to discredit this document and the psychological strategy it describes.
This seems timely today, with assassination attempts every second week; though now of course, the mainstream media doesn't need to be ‘exploited.’ Improperly influencing events and opinions is what these folk do as matter of course; in the 2020s, this is the job description. Efforts continue on all fronts however, and have even been ramped up. It seems almost everyone is on the take today. Just search ‘The term conspiracy theory is a PsyOp’ (or words to this effect), and see how many so-called ‘fact checkers’ there are, falling all over themselves to convince you that it’s all just crazy talk. . . and then see how ‘easy’ it is now to find the dispatch above.
My favourite meme of the past few years: “What’s the difference between conspiracy theory and reality? . . . About six months!” Of course, there are some crazy ideas out there, but anyone with half a brain can use their discernment, and do a little fact checking of their own. Moving on though, for now.
After a failed bid for leadership of the Provincial Liberals, Nathaniel Erskine-Smith is apparently leaving politics. I would imagine now that he'll go back to law. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt so I do hope (should his Private Members bill make it through the Senate too) that he won't just go to work for the biosecurity state C-293 would usher in. In this situation though, we’d have bigger things to worry about.
Bill C-293 must be stopped.
A few of us from our little team wrote the first week of September. My letter went in on Sept 9th and for the first time ever, I didn’t receive a single reply (other than auto responses). This is alarming, as I’ve never had no reply before (when writing to MPPs, MPs or Senators), but at least this suggests they really do not want to talk about these issues. Let's hope, therefore, that so many of us demand Ted Falk's questions be answered, that the Senators will let this bill just quietly fade away.
It doesn't say much for our Senators, of course, that these folk have no desire to answer the questions this MP asked, or respond to any of the points I mentioned. More than ever, it seems it has fallen to us to hold our representatives to account. Please see below, in the letter I sent to Senate, the questions Falk posed. My email is too long, but pick up on a point or two, and craft a few paragraphs of your own. They will ignore a few letters, but if they receive hundreds, they can’t. . . and as you know, letters written by hand and sent in by post, are far more impactful. Perhaps do both.
Dear Senator, ________.
I trust this email finds you well.
I'm prompted to write on the subject of Bill C-293, 'An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness,' currently in the Senate.
I did receive some thoughtful notes from Conservative MPs when I last wrote about an inquiry into the Covid-19 response. Here, though, I will mainly reiterate the words of Conservative MP Ted Falk, from the Nov 15th, 2022 session, and the bill's sponsor, Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith.
First, looking at the long list of proposed legislation that has failed to pass, I would like to suggest this bill too, for many reasons, should be abandoned. This proposed bill, which seems to support calls for an inquiry into the government's pandemic response, upon closer examination, looks more like the stealthy introduction of controversial United Nations and the WHO initiatives, such as 'One Health.'
As the Toronto Star's Heather Schofield frames it in the Q&A period following Erskine-Smith's introduction of this proposed bill:
'Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith discusses his bill to create a pandemic inquiry'
“[T]he NDP has called for a public inquiry and um you know Preston Manning has his [NCI] thing on the go too um. . . how do those all, how did these pieces all fit together. I mean could your bill kind of subsume their requests for inquiry?" (11:11 mins)
With respect to the many questions that went unanswered in the House of Commons, the National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) final report must be considered by the Senate when discussing C-293 (and as part of a long-overdue inquiry into this country's pandemic response).
Such a close vote in the House of Commons, in which the NDP marched in lockstep with the Liberals, calls into question its legitimacy. Since the dubious Liberal / NDP agreement came to an end, with Jagmeet Singh's recent announcement, I would suggest their vote on C-293 be considered null and void. This is too serious an issue to be moved forward on such a slim and questionable margin. The Conservatives have been calling for a full inquiry for a long time, so the fact they and the Bloq then voted 100% against C-293 clearly indicates that this document is not what it is claimed to be.
Rather than allow a full and open examination of the pandemic response, the proponents of this bill seek to transfer future decisions to unelected and completely unaccountable International organizations. Outlined in the proposed bill is a transition to 'alternative protein' diets, such as insect meal, and as yet unknown restrictions on agriculture including, presumably, hobby farms and home garden 'land use' too. Such decisions cannot be made by foreign bureaucrats, or billionaires invested in 'alternative food' production.
Many of the same issues must be addressed with respect to the WHO's International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments and other Pandemic Treaty 'legacy initiatives.' I can count on one hand the number of MPs and Senators who responded each time I wrote about this issue previously. But our elected representatives rarely provide answers that address the real concerns of their constituents, and for this reason, the Canadian people see these developments as further undermining our democracy, and even the sovereignty, of our country.
Some dismiss any such comments as 'conspiracy theory,' yet the Government's own Policy Horizons document 'Disruptions on the Horizon 2024' recently highlighted the very real possibility of a 'break down of democratic systems' within 6 years (Page 10 - figure 2). Some would say this has happened already in the House of Commons, so we hope our Senators will listen to us, stop this proposed legislation and press for answers to the questions posed by MP Ted Falk in the attached document. "Why" for instance, "did the government make the decision in 2019 to shut down our pandemic early warning system?" and "who chose to shut it down? Who in the government was responsible for leaving Canadians defenseless?" And in need of a new plan (most conveniently) the following year, which the WHO was ready to provide?
A thorough and complete investigation is required, not just of the Liberal administration's handling of the pandemic, but also the legitimacy of the WHO itself, which is largely funded (as everybody knows) by moneyed interests that will profit from the policies they now seek to implement.
I will close on this note, but attached, as you will see, is further commentary from the MPs mentioned above, and a handful of links which clearly show that 'pandemic preparedness' measures, as outlined in the proposed bill C-293 are, at best, entirely misguided.
Thank you
W. David Ward
Notes and further commentary (accompanying the letter above):
Hansard excerpt – Questions still to be answered:
MP Ted Falk's speech. November 15th, 2022
Ted Falk Provencher, MB
". . . The bill's proposal that the Minister of Health and other government ministers be the ones to put together or even make up the advisory committee to review their own response to the coronavirus is, frankly, quite ridiculous. That is like having the fox guard the henhouse, because they all have a very vested interest in the outcome.
These are questions that have never been answered by government, and in many cases, no one in government or the media has even had the courage to publicly ask them.
We kept hearing “follow the science” and “we are following the science”. It is the political science, yes, but the last time I checked, a big part of doing real science involved asking questions, analyzing data and doing so with rigorous skepticism.
. . .
"For a start, why did the government make the decision in 2019 to shut down our pandemic early warning system? We had SARS and H1N1, and we knew the potential of a Canadian epidemic. Who chose to shut it down? Who in the government was responsible for leaving Canadians defenseless?"
. . .
"We learned that the Public Health Agency of Canada, the same department responsible for the government's COVID response, allowed our national microbiology lab in Winnipeg, one of our nation's foremost secure facilities, to be infiltrated by Chinese spies with direct links to both the Wuhan lab and the bioweapons program of the People's Liberation Army. Why?
The government sued Parliament to cover it up. It refused to come clean. Then it turned around and made a deal with China to be the sole manufacturer of Canada's vaccine supply. The deal ultimately fell through, but there are a lot of questions here that require answers. Why does the government refuse to release procurement details, such as the price per dose, when other governments have been transparent?
There are still legitimate questions related to vaccine safety and efficacy. Why did the government agree to hide the safety data on Pfizer for 75 years? There are 51,714 Canadians who have suffered vaccine injuries to date as a result of their COVID shots, with 10,501 serious reactions, including 874 anaphylactic reactions, 1,342 cases of myocarditis, 140 thrombosis cases and 382 reports with an outcome of death following vaccination. Where does that information come from? It is from the government's own website. Anyone can look it up. There are also many reports of doctors refusing to even file a VAERS report, which is a vaccine adverse event reaction report.
AND, also from November 15th, 2022
Marilyn Gladu Sarnia—Lambton, ON
"Here we are again. I was in the process of recapping a bit of history on the draconian motions the Liberal government continues to bring."
Marilyn Gladu's further comments are notable, and the word 'draconian' does not overstate the matter.
Rather than address the questions above, which specifically mention the 'Wuhan lab and bioweapons development' ! (and indirectly, the gain of function research this entails), the subject of such "bioweapons platform technology" and "biological warfare enabling agents" (to quote Dr. David Martin) is completely avoided. That such an issue would be ignored is scandalous; the House of Commons, as a result, appears derelict. You may recall, from Dr. Martin's presentation to the European Parliament, that the WIV1[Wuhan Institute of virology virus 1] coronavirus was “poised for human emergence in 2016.” The documents exist, and I do hope the senate will not ignore this information as well.
Instead of addressing any of these important questions, Liberal and NDP parliamentarians would rather continue on the assumption, as Erskine-Smith states in his introduction, that most “infectious diseases come from animal Origins.” (6:12 mins) Such a premise, apparently on behest of, the UN and the WHO, would transfer control of Canadian agriculture, and decisions about our environment, into the hands of unelected and unaccountable Internationalist bodies. Unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, that is, and those who provide the funding for these organizations; billionaires with many related, strategic investments. 'One Health,' looks more like a political device, cleverly designed to bring every aspect of our lives under the absolute control of foreign bureaucrats, multinational corporations and wealthy elites.
The very real possibility that the world's 'Billionaires will run the world' (in 5 years) is also mentioned in the government document 'Disruptions on the Horizon 2024' (pg10). Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, ironically, has been expressing his concern over foreign interference in the affairs (and politics) of this nation, and yet the bill he has sponsored represents the greatest possible interference in the affairs (and politics) of Canadians.
'We need accountability,' Erskine-Smith says of foreign co-operation allegations'
Indeed, we do.
Again, from MP Erskine-Smith’s C-293 introduction (12 mins):
“[W]hat I don't want to see is a situation where we focus on this line of spending on that line of spending and deeply politicize the pandemic response by way of criticism if the end goal is criticism I think that's a very poor result in in terms of our efforts.”
It seems the 'spending' of tax dollars – starting with 'the unprecedented $240 billion the federal government handed out during the first eight months of the pandemic' (CBC) – is key to understanding what happened over the past few years. Just 'follow the money,' as they say. Among the industry correspondence quoted by Dr. David Martin in his European Parliament presentation prior to 2020 (at 20:20 mins):
“[W]e need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan influenza or pan corona virus vaccine a key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype, we need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues, investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”
Looking at Modern’s SEC filing (Year ending Dec 21 2019) it seems a lot of industry investors knew something was in the pipeline, and not just because of that curious Event 201 'scenario' in October of 2019. As stated in the SEC document, Moderna's first vaccine was rolled out February, 2020. The industry as a whole was working on 'vaccines' for this pathogen long before we (and probably any of you), knew anything about this. So more and more, the Bill C-293, and its 'One Health' proposal appears, at best, to be misguided and ill-informed; at worst, a clever initiative to ensure future profits for political insiders and industry investors.
The more elected (and appointed) representatives ignore the important questions posed by people like Ted Falk, and the evidence of people like Dr. David Martin, the more it appears to the Canadian people that there is actually a conspiracy afoot. The resulting lack of trust, in itself, could quickly lead to a 'breakdown of our democratic system,' so this issue must be examined in detail and properly addressed. And bill C-293, needless to say, should be stopped.
Thank you for taking the time to read my commentary here; for your encouragement, on-going support and, on this occasion, your assistance.
Excellent article David!