WE need to focus on how to make governors of our minds obsolete.

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Thanks for your comment, Kara. I'm reading a fantastic book (on this subject): The 'Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom.' Author: Dr. Michael Nehls. Happy 'Canadian' Thanksgiving :-)

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thanks for the book suggestion! OH CHEERS on your day of Thanksgiving!!

found an interview on Solari Report with dr. Michael Nehls


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I thought I should move the link you sent up here, Kara, where people will see it.

Coincidentally, I had lunch with Ulrike (who interviews Dr. Michael Nehls here), about three weeks. She was in Toronto for another event. . . It is a very small world, as you know :-)

Thanks for sharing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8FnqQDj_WQ

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