
Thanks for sharing this. No surprise this piece came out Sept of 2019, to disarm an unsuspecting population just before the big lockdown 5G roll out. There is a link above to the (conveniently forgotten) May 2019 Ontario Queen's Park press conference (5G warning), and here is a direct link to the Ramazzini Study on Radiofrequency Cell Phone Radiation: https://ehtrust.org/worlds-largest-animal-study-on-cell-tower-radiation-confirms-cancer-link/

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David, I appreciate your research and your words so much! You inspire me. I have always known that microwave's were a no no and have not used one in over 25 years. The phone is definitely a problem.

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Thanks for these words. You know Bluetooth is exactly the same frequency as a microwave oven (2.45 GHz ), and you see all those folk cooking their brains with earbuds!

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Exactly!! They go to the gym or run with those things in their ears, exercising for health yet using those things hurting their brains. :(

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023

Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology.” SMART. I had read that even when the phones are powered down they are still capable of sending out data. Either you take the battery out- which in the new phone models you can't- or you use a Faraday bag to disrupt the information flow from the device. If you haven't already , watch this internal video- The Selfish Ledger- from Google it should open your eyes/minds to the true intentions behind SMART technology.


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Thanks for catching (Self-monitoring). To date, I've not observed a transmission (in the form of RF) from a phone that was off. That's not to say they aren't gathering and storing information, to send out when the device is turned on again. There's so much we don't know, but my hope is to get more people asking questions, and doing some monitoring of their own.

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In the video the stated goal is behavioral modification. Data collection is the key. Not only do the Technocrats/Malthusians want population numbers reduced, they want the remnant to behave in the way they sit fit. Effective altruism.

I saw a T shirt the other day it was the Google logo...but spelled Goolag.... :)

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Brilliant. 'Goolag' ! I want one of those t-shirts. You'll have seen the following, I imagine: https://librti.com/view-video/google-s-ai-recommending-death-to

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