“We've taken care of everything.
The words you read and the songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes.”
— Rush ‘2112’ (1976)
Artists and writers have been trying to tell us how the world might unfold for years now; but in this postmodern, post-meaning, ‘infotainment’ culture, artists are seen mainly as entertainers. What they show us and tell us, therefore, is also regarded as if it too were ‘for entertainment purposes only.’ Although those songs and pictures might still give pleasure, the meaning is generally lost — if it was ever really known. So I’ll try not to be quite so ‘entertaining’ here, as I present some real information, about the real world — with a few more, related, cultural anecdotes.
The point I hope to make (as I've suggested before) is that the timing of Covid was directly related to what happened in the financial world in Sept 2019. It was pointed out that I didn't give a full explanation for that Fed chart in the last part of my series on neoliberalism, but I will revisit this later. And as we look at the events of the past few years from a monetary perspective (a world invisible to most), I'll expand on some of the points made in my last post (from Dr. David Martin in this case), which also suggest Covid didn't just emerge as a random, natural event.
Medical patents (just like SEC filings) constitute another invisible world. While a lot of people seem to believe that ‘stuff just happens,’ much of it (the evidence shows) doesn't happen by accident. The claims Martin makes are bold, but well supported. If you check his citations, you will find his sources, but the powers that be (presumably) don't want people to go looking for such things. The entire world might realize then that the real purveyors of misinformation are captured governments, mainstream media, bought and paid for regulators, corrupt health officials, etc; and those ‘useful idiots’ who repeat what they hear as though it were Gospel, without checking anything. I'll come back to this.
Monetary reform, as dull and mystifying as it seems – I can feel eyes glazing over as I write – is precisely what the world needs right now; and ‘reform’ is coming, whether we want it or not. The powers that be (in this arena), of course, are more than willing to provide their reforms.
Governments and technocratic bureaucrats are keen to bring in their ‘programmable’ Central Bank Digital Currency (linked to your carbon score and social credit digital ID), while the world's billionaires would be happy to provide their private payment system solutions (like Alipay, for instance). Both of these represent a digital control grid — a means of monitoring and influencing behaviour, rewarding and punishing. Either way, the technocrats gain absolute control, as the head of the BIS explain (please revisit: ‘Electronic Banking vs. Digital Banking’).
The history of the world is the history of money; and the history of money is a struggle between private bankers and nation states. As private banking interest have just about brought nation states to their knees — with their private-money Ponzi-Scheme monetary system — the Nation States are about to play their trump card. These competing interests are still battling it out, and with the Bank of Canada Sunset provision now set for, June 30 2026, for the moment (at least here in Canada) government would appear to have the upper hand.
It is most likely that whatever captured party is in power (here in Canada) it will defer to the desires of the bankers (not surprisingly, the most influential lobby in Canada):
The Conservatives, in true neoliberal fashion, are behind the idea of private money and do not want to compete with the commercial banks (which is ironic, as neoliberalism is supposed to be all about competition).
The Communist Liberals, on the other hand will advocate for a BlackRock, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Internationalist option; whatever the World Economic Forum (WEF) tells them is most ‘progressive.’ This would be (as described) a Unified Ledger - tokenized asset ‘metaverse’ – social credit, digital ID, programmable CBDC, control-grid. The absolutely control these technologies provide (which the technocrats insist they must have) paves the way for technocratic totalitarianism.
This ‘turnkey’ technology is already ‘ready to be used’ in those 15 minute SMART City districts we see popping up everywhere now, and when the proverbial key is turned the digital leashes (those now not-so-SMART Phones) will be full activated, limiting people to their geofenced districts.
Until this happens though — naïve, trusting souls that most people are — we will continue to believe the promises of efficiency and safety. We will ignore the surveillance technology being installed everywhere, and embrace every cool, convenient, new app that comes along, and when the digital trap snap shut, the ways out will be locked behind us. It doesn't take much imagination, but this colourful analogy (that I like to call ‘The Candy Man’) might take you back - Filmed in Davos I believe ;-)
For “kiddy winkies” of all ages.
How odd it is that the 'Baron von Bomburst,' and 'proto-neocon' elites, were interested in snaring little children, even back then. This is a whole other story of course, but if you didn't see the film, Sound of Freedom, then please see the 2023 'Sleeper Hit.' It's not entertainment, of course, and there is so much more to say on this subject, but the fact that Ian Flemming, the one time British Intelligence operative (and author of the James Bond novels, as well as 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang') would know all about such things is not surprising. Goldfinger, and Goldeneye, would suggest he probably knew quite a lot about money and British offshore banking interests (like Gibraltar) as well. But again, that's another story.
Here is a ‘moral tale’ that crops up time and time again in fairy tales and folk lore (everywhere, in the old world). When I watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a youngster in England, this scene gave me nightmares. I still have the record sound track above (on vinyl), something my mom purchased back in 1968. Perhaps it is just ‘music for pleasure’ as the sleeve states, but the film put me off creepy hucksters and people promising ‘free candy’ (of any kind) for good. Maybe I'm over reacting, but if and when the gates of the ‘digital prison’ snap shut, we'll wish we'd paid more attention to those wary folk who try to warn Jemima and Jeremy (and children everywhere).
Perhaps the best we can do now (those of us who won't just go along) is to ensure that we make a compelling argument for allowing a group of people to continue living their lives outside the technocrat’s ‘15-Minute City’ system. Something like Brave New World, but with a better standard of living of course. If you have sufficient resources already this might be possible; but only if enough people get engaged, since Towns and Regions are building their digital gulags now, and using your taxes to do it.
Just as real science would have allowed for an official ‘control group’ in the global (phase III clinical trial), so too, a certain percentage of the populations needs to live away from 15 Minute SMART City EMF, IoT, IoB (5G, 6G wavelength radiation) until the long-term effects of these are better known).
If you checked out the Ramazzini Study (in my 'Is Your SMART Phone Weaponized' post), the Globablist's unwitting lab rats are facing a grim future. Because radiation poisoning symptoms are almost the same as flu (before those Gliomas start forming), bought and paid for ‘health’ officials and corrupt politicians will, of course, blame the illness on a virus that's going around those 15 minute cities, and probably offer more injections. This way, of course, the money continues to flow, in the health business and tech industry alike. . . the payola too, quite likely, to those elected representatives who dismiss as ‘conspiracy theory’ anything that might de-rail their gravy train.
We must keep in mind of course, the technocrats, with their radical ‘Green’ plans, their ‘Rewilding’ schemes, satellite surveillance and militarize police, ultimately, do not want anyone to live outside their system. These are authoritarians disguised as humanitarians — as we've already seen — and they want ‘absolute control.’ Today’s technology gives them precisely that.
But let me get back to the current situation, with respect to another kind of gravy train. On the surface, the Conservative option today is only slightly better, and the current battle has actually become a three way struggle, between (1) Captured nation states, (2) banking establishment private money and (3) the new billionaire class private money. Needless to say, people will be far better off to find an entirely different route forward. The ‘reforms’ any of these implement (and it may end up being some unholy alliance of two, or even all three) will in no way be in the interest of the people.
In this ‘New Fiscal Age’ the ‘bewildered herd’ — as Walter Lippmann described the public — will remain an unwitting cash cow. All of the interests above want to ‘bleed’ the public, and they will, if their financial solutions are implemented.
The reason the public knows nothing about money mechanics and monetary theory, is because the public is not supposed to know anything about these things. The great Ponzi Scheme of private money creation can’t function if people understand how it works. Monetary reformers have been trying to explain this for years, with little success — until now perhaps, as a lot of people are starting to graps what’s going on.
Moving forward, we will explore the idea of public banking and treasury branches; real competition for commercial banks, and what ‘neoliberal’ could argue against competition? This is an option proven to have served the people well, though it is not yet being explored by our elected representatives. But now, with the Bank Act Sunset Provision approaching, I would suggest it is the time to get this option on the table.
Interestingly, returning to the other side of this story, Manitoba MP Ted Falk, who recently introduced legislation to protect physical cash, also brought up ‘the Wuhan lab and the bioweapons program’ in debate over Bill C-293. His questions were ignored. More on this later, but Falk's commentary inspired me to search for the documents Dr. David Martin mentioned in his 2021 presentation to the European Parliament — in which he didn’t just suggest that SARS CoV was designed as a bioweapon, he stated emphatically, and provided documentation.
The link I included last time didn’t show the slides that accompanied his talk, you can find that full presentation here, and a powerpoint here. To actually see the documents is compelling, what is more intriguing though, is the timeline of events. Referring back to my earlier post of course, the ability to connect dots is still required ;-)
In 2002, The University of Chapel Hill North Carolina files the patent: ‘Methods for producing Recombinant Coronavirus.’ It is in the Abstract of this document that you find those curious words describing the product: ‘an infectious, replication defective, coronavirus.’ The assertion made, and explained by Martin (in the presentation above), is that this modification is what makes SARS a bioweapon. More importantly, at this stage, it creates something that might be more easily patented — a fight yet to come.
A coronavirus found in nature (which has co-evolved in balance with human kind) has now been restructured in such a way as it might be considered an ‘invention,’ but those who saw the business opportunity here were pushing for the ability to patent anyway, notwithstanding interpretations of 35 U.S. Code 101 - Inventions Patentable:
‘Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.’
‘Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no patent may issue on a claim directed to or encompassing a human organism.’
From: https://archive.org/details/us_patent_7220852
‘[O]ne must not patent a naturally occurring substance (35 US Code Section 101 violation) . . . [P]rior to CDC's filing for a patent, the patent office found 99.9 percent identity with the already existing Coronavirus recorded in the public domain. . . the CDC overrode the patent offices rejection of their patent and ultimately got the patent on SARS Coronavirus (in 2007).’
But in 2003 (a year after the University of Chapel Hill North Carolina – filing) came:
‘Coronavirus isolated from humans’
‘Disclosed herein is a newly isolated human coronavirus (SARS-CoV), the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).’
Coronavirus supposedly is ‘isolated from humans’ (arguments that evidence for this does not exist aside), the claim at least is made. So natural Coronavirus (which has been around from the beginning of human existence) appears to have been usurped by the (soon to be) patentable, ‘SARS’.
‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (‘SARS’) 1 is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by a new strain of coronavirus (‘the SARS virus’). 2 It was first reported in the Guangdong province in southern China in November 2002.’
An ‘atypical’ ‘new strain of coronavirus’ emerges, not in Wuhan this time, but just a little further south; and of course, there is a Pharmaceutical University in this province too. Access is essential for the development of new medicines, but now the CDC can control who will have access and who will be licensed to do the research. And now that such things can be patented, we should consider some other recent developments:
‘23andMe sells $300-million stake to GlaxoSmithKline and will help develop drugs’
Recall that ‘infectious, replication defective, coronavirus’? Genetic technologies can be targeted, to individuals, families or racial groups. It is no wonder Blackstone was willing to pay $4.7 billion for this database of human genetic information. Of course, new genetic drugs can be designed for specific individuals to ‘treat’ genetic diseases such as cancer, conveniently (with the mysterious spike in this condition). Wonderful, you might say, but new genetically engineered pathogens can be designed as well, to target specific individuals or groups (assuming your genetic information is on record).
But that's crazy talk, you might also say, the humanitarians who now have access to this information would never do such a thing. The CDC holds this patent to prevent private exploitation of any kind. Director of the Technology Transfer Office at the CDC, Andrew Watkins, commented:
“We made a decision early on to seek whatever patent protection we could get as a defensive measure, but not to delay publication of findings”(p 69). ‘He observed that the CDC’s application does not purport to cover vaccines, diagnostic tests or other technology related to SARS’ (p 70).
Then a short time later:
‘Moderna offers NIH co-ownership of COVID vaccine patent amid dispute with government’
Pandora's Box is open. “A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. . . investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”
I was moved that people I know and respect would be aware of the problems here, well before most of us. Again from the above ‘THE RACE TO PATENT THE SARS VIRUS’ which, as the author states, ‘unashamedly favours a reformist approach’:
‘Finally, a number of idealists, such as Dr Marco Marra, Margaret Atwood, and Jeremy Rifkin, expressed per se objections to the patenting of the genetic code of the SARS virus.’
Oh, these crazy idealists just don't understand the profit potential! We’ve only scratched the surface, but here’s where money comes in again, in yet another way.
Sometimes it seems as if that ‘narrative’ is being made up as they go along. Either way, government and mainstream media will seem shocked and dismayed; whether they were informed ahead of time, or had no idea what was coming, they were given their marching orders when the ‘crisis’ hit. Existing ‘Pandemic Preparedness Plans’ had been conveniently thrown out in 2019, as Ted Falk mentioned in Parliament (again, an explanation was not forthcoming), and then a new set of ‘Lockstep’ protocols were provided by the WHO, who suddenly, and authoritatively, ‘assumed control’.
‘The Temples Of Syrinx’
“We are the priests of the Temples of Syrinx. All the gifts of life, are held within our walls.” Rush ‘2112’
‘Pan poursuivant Syrinx’ drawing by Girodet, 1826
The word ‘syringe’ of course is derived from Syrinx. What is it with those artists, who always see things years ahead? Rush again, from ‘2112’ (or is that 2021): ‘Grand Finale’:
“We have assumed control. We have assumed control. We have assumed control.”
But let's go back to the global financial situation in 2019. The following, as mentioned at the outset, was from a presentation I first made in March 2023. The numbers here relate to the accompanying notes (as you will see). A full explanation of the ‘repo market’ wasn’t necessary last time, but it’s important here as we explore the invisible monetary forces that have shaped our lives over the past few years and, more importantly, how all of this relates to the Covid narrative. For more information on ‘repurchase agreements’ themselves, please check this link, and then look again at the chart below, and the story it tells (with notes this time).
Chart 1. The Federal Reserve's ‘Recent Balance Sheet Trends’
1. The 2008 financial crisis: Liquidity creation by the Fed. Bonds were purchased from struggling financial institutions using newly created money (in order to sure up their balance sheets). QE ‘Quantitative Easing’
2. The immediate crisis has ended, but the need for liquidity continued in an environment where confidence is shaken, and banks can't create as much credit themselves (in the form of new loans). Interest rates were gradually moved to near zero in an effort to encourage borrowing (new money creation by he banks means central bank money creation can slow).
3. The process of monthly central bank liquidity creation becomes routine (when the economy is stronger, money is created by commercial banks, as people take out loans. New, central bank sovereign money, isn't required).
4. Some semblance of normality returns. However, since banks (and multinationals) continually draw money out of the real economy (then move it offshore to recycle invisibly),sovereign money must still be created intermittently to ensure that real (local) economies can continue to function. Commercial banks don't create real money, don't forget; they issue bank credit (ephemeral in nature) as a tool to extract the real money ('sovereign' money) from our economy. ‘Bad money chases out good’ as the expression goes.
5. After two years, in early 2018, constant pressure to reduce the Fed's balance sheet results in the start of Quantitative Tightening (QT), as the Fed sells off bonds (or lets them mature without rolling debt over). This puts more government securities back in private hands, where the interest on them will be paid to private interests, rather than to the Treasury (reducing the need for tax revenues).
6. The 2019 Sept 17th Repo (repurchase agreement) Market freeze up / Freak out:
Returning to Chart 1:
7. Quantitative Tightening ends immediately with the Repo market freeze up, and we return to regular infusions of central bank liquidity to keep the the real economy functioning. All of this happened invisibly, in the so-called 'plumbing' of the monetary system, so the public, and even many traders, remained unaware of the fact that the system was failing (as I was forewarned in the Isle of Man). It is widely accepted (by people interested in these mechanisms) that the first moves to the new interest rate benchmark, the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), set the stage for this, leading up to the Sept 17th, appropriately named, Triple Witching Hour.
8. The appearance (I would suggest) of an attempt to make it seem is if authorities were getting things back under control again, just as Covid emerges in China. As mentioned in my presentation, the Repo freeze up happened in Sept; then in October came a hastily convened Event 201, presenting a 'scenario' for the surprise outbreak of some dangerous novel virus; and then in November, lo and behold, the outbreak of some dangerous novel virus in China. A few months passed, so people didn't quite connect the dots (as monetary authorities made it look like everything was under control), then came the lock downs, and a controlled demolition of the global economy. QE is fired up with a vengeance, and so far as the world is concerned, Covid was to blame. Corrupt politicians and crooked bankers are now off the hook - as 90% of the population, frightened out of their wits by the media melodrama, believed everything they were told.
9. Return to a situation similar to point 2: The immediate crisis ended, but the need for liquidity continued in an environment where public confidence was damaged, and many destructive mandates persist. This time though, banks are creating new credit, especially in the form of mortgages, as people see real estate (quickly moving beyond reach in price) as a safe haven.
10. A 'new (liquidity dependent) normal' returns, and central banks again spend all of 2022 moving bonds off their balance sheets. . . right up to the theatrical March 2023 US bank failures. The results of which we see below, where the Fed moves abruptly from Quantitative Tightening (starting around May 2022 in the U.S.) to renewed QE
There are further implications here that I can explore in a future piece. This material though (some of it, thanks to Dr. David Martin) supports the idea that Covid (the timing of Covid at least) provided cover for other events. The documents here provide a glimpse of that proverbial wizard behind the curtains, pulling levers and pressing buttons while government and media fabricate the narrative — “the words you read” and all — a plausible explanation for what we experienced (those who don’t look too closely at least). While we were being ‘nudged’ and our behaviour modified, a new economic model — “Stakeholder Capitalism” — was officially introduced.
So much was revealed though in the execution of this ‘Lockstep’ ‘Special Op’ in part, it seems, because reality threatened to unravel the financial world prematurely, necessitating the Covid ‘crisis’ as a way to hide widespread mismanagement and corruption. Nothing else could have allowed for such unprecedented money creation by Central Banks around the world. This was the only way to prevent the monetary Ponzi Scheme's collapse, before everything else was fully in place for the planned “Great Reset.” We’ll continuing this story soon.
Thank you again for your interest, and your continuing support.
Hi Joe,
Thanks again for your comments.
Sorry for the delay, and the short reply. We're preparing for a big event this coming weekend and I'm swamped.
(1) By 'money launderers and defrauders' I'm guessing you mean the Banks. . . like TD, with its current $2.6 billion penalty for assisting money launders? You'd be surprised to know who many people don't believe Human Trafficking is even a thing. . . It's too horrible to contemplate of course, and accepting this might mean actually having to get off the couch (or away from the keyboard).
(2) Dr. Martin is an expert in medical patents and bioweapons (when you look at his background). . . You've inspired me to do another piece on this subject. Your average doctor just keeps his head down (I know this for a fact as I have - or had - friends who are doctors) and they won't say anything that might cost them their license - 'Why Your DOCTOR is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED' : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAvemcgLa-8
Thanks for your other messages, I'll look forward to chatting again,
I support monetary reform and a change in economic policy for the benefit of the people.
Two questions on this post:
What are Martin's credentials?
Why wouldn't constitutional rights protect us from your worst fears? Criminals sometimes get off because of our rigid support of constitutional rights.