We know what is waiting in the wings? The fall of republics (USA) replaced by the Caesars? Decentralized direct democracy?

The 2030's ushers in a new style of government. For the GenX and late cohort boomers direct democracies may be a form of governance that could keep the Technocratic Caesars in check. For the Millennials who have watched the American dream remain outside their grasp, who have been massaged/messaged with the notion that capitalism is the root of all evil, Authoritarianism with a moral code (justification) of altruism (Virtue) must seem the likely path forwards. The 2K checks during lockdown the 0% IR environment (debt is an asset on the personal balance sheet) these were dry runs to see if the new socialism -properly incentivized- could garner votes. So here we are at the crossroads of history, generations colliding, those at the top of the food chain or closest to the corridors of power (Cantillon effect) will watch their wealth and power grow/consolidate. The middle class, the creative producers will be dragged down and their political voice no longer heard ( think of what happened to the landed gentry in New England in the 1776 era- Oliver Wiswell is a great novel to understand this point of view). Change is coming, the Rubicon has been crossed, are- Musk, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Thiel, et al- are these the new Techno Caesars? Many are sleepwalking as we watch the fall of republics and parliamentary democracies take place in real time. Plan A's and B's need to be drawn up. I have no idea which way we will move politically in this fourth turning( Bifurcation along red/blue lines?) yet to remain passive or worse yet to go full on Ostrich is not the path forwards if you value freedom and the right to self determination. Thanks for the effort you have put into this series DW, I am enjoying it and I hope others are as well.

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Fascinating perspective. Thank you for sharing this. . . and hope you're right, that Gen X, millennials (and all) will re-engage in the democratic process. Otherwise it will be game over; the Technocrats are more than happy to run our lives for us. Going door to door and talking to people (three hours in Courtice today) we see how people are starved for real information; it feels like something is building, and we must continue to gather momentum. Thanks again for your thoughts and comments :-)

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