Last week I was sent a draft copy of Durham Region’s 2025 Strategic plan. It’s an important document (as I mentioned in my June 8th post), because this one takes us right up to the threshold of 2030, and Agenda 2030, where many of the ideas here originate. I know a lot of you sent in suggestions previously (and you’ll have been sent a draft copy too), but now we can see the actual content of this ‘bold’ proposal.
I spent a large part of my holiday weekend going over this document, and making notes, as you will see below. On the Region’s web page — Your Voice — is a survey you might fill in (though I imagine the questions will be leading). Also, a little further down that page, are emails where you can send your own thoughts on this — ‘The community survey is open until October 27, 2024.’
Naturally, if you live in this Region (and pay property taxes here more importantly), I suggest it is not just a civic responsibility to write in, it is plain common sense. As this page explains, staff and experts, ‘partners and business,’ have been engaged in this process all along; our taxes pay their salaries. These vested interests will work hard to ensure the town spends money on their initiatives. Some jobs would not exist at all were it not for projects this document (in its current form) will make possible. If you would rather not have to pay for their future ‘services,’ infrastructure projects and technology, this is your time to speak up; or your taxes will continue to increase.
The Region’s staff have been wonderful (I must emphasize) and we should all be more engaged, at meetings (I’ll include an update on our Oct 1st delegation in the next post) and certainly, on occasions like this, when we are actually asked for input.
I’d also like to direct you again to Maggie Hope Braun’s Gather 2030 Substack, for information on this program — to extricate us from ICLEI and the ‘Partners for Climate Protection’ primarily. ‘Unburden Your Council: Withdraw from the Partners for Climate Protection Program in 3 Steps.’ Please click on the links here, and visit the KICLEI website for more information. Help your Councillors help us.
There’s a fair amount of information below, so let me take you straight to the ‘Five Strategic Directions’ and my own thoughts on these. This was a first run through, but with less than two weeks to the next deadline, I wanted to share asap. Please act on this quickly. I’ve added some additional links and comments in between; any thoughts you’d like share here, I welcome of course.
Naturally, I can’t go into great detail here, but much of this information will be familiar to you, and I’m sure you’ll have lots to contribute yourself. Focus on what is most important to you, and feel free to expand and any of my thoughts. I talked about Vision Zero on Jan 28th in my post ‘Zero Vision? Blinded by Buzz Words’ and on the subject of technology on Jan 13th in 'Surveillance Capitalism: Questions and (maybe) a few answers.’ You may find these helpful, but let’s move on for now:
Again, let me direct you back to the Gather 2030 links at the top of the page, but here a few links related to the Geoengineering information. Much of the reporting on this is from leftist media; it has typically been somewhat condescending, but a note of desperation is creeping in. They seem to be getting upset as the narrative escapes their control, and the real ‘science’ gets out to everyday people.
‘Chemtrail Bans Introduced in 7 States.’ This ‘fact-checker’ tells us, on the 27th of March, ‘A Tennessee Bill Doesnt Prove Chemtrails Are Real,’ and goes on to add the bill hasn’t passed yet. Then ‘Tennessee Passed HB2063 and SB2691 Prohibiting Geoengineering Experiments.’ ‘Signed into law by Governor Lee on April 11, 2024. Relating to Environmental Preservation.’ From the BBC: ‘Tennessee Passes 'Chemtrail' Bill Banning Airborne Chemicals.’ I’ve always maintained, not every ‘Contrail’ is a ‘Chemtrail,’ and I still stick to this, but weather modification experiments are a thing, and any real ‘environmentalist’ would be horrified at what they’re putting into the air. This is an important point, with which we can stop the hijacked ‘Green’ agenda.
Here I refer you back to my recent post on Bill C-293 for information on the WHO’s ‘One Health’ and the surreptitious means by which certain well paid politicians, and probably some on staff ‘experts,’ continue to push these globalist initiatives on us. The public-private partnership model — the new ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ — I explained more detail in my previous post. Unless this is stopped, our tax dollars will continue to enrich crony capitalists everywhere. My last deputation at the Region was on the subject of immigration (primarily), but I also mentioned again, ‘The New Fiscal Age.’ I’ll explain more later.
As mentioned above, I’ll share more on the immigration front soon. You’ll find comments of robots, AI and mega-sized distribution centers in my earlier posts too, but I’m sure you have lots to say on this subject also. As an artist, the cultural aspect of this speaks to me, and I think it is outrageous that there is no reference to the history, tradition and heritage of this area here. Without our past, we are lost. . . but I will save my thoughts on this for later too.
Here the Region states it will step up and advocate for ‘Regional priorities’ with the federal and provincial governments. Credit where credit’s due. . . this is a refreshing change from “we stay in our lane here” and “there’s a chain of command.” In a real democracy, the ‘chain of command’ runs from the bottom up. We tell our elected representatives what our priorities are, and they instruct the staff (as the current Uxbridge Strategic Plan Introduction states); and they also tell (or should tell) the feds and the province that we’re not putting up with unsustainable immigration — among other things. So there is a glimmer of hope here. Let’s get engaged, and let our representatives (and our staff) know what our vision for Durham Region is.
There’ll be more later, of course, but thanks for taking the time to go over this material with me, and please (if you live in Durham Region), get those emails and letters in.
Have a great week,
Thank you leading the way, David. Power is knowledge applied, so a first step is to acquire the knowledge. Then we can inform others and build a strong, collective voice within our respective communities. These shifting times task everyone to mature, to be responsible and accountable for our choices.
Great post David. There is lots of work to do in York-Durham to push back and stop this harmful agenda from being implemented. Everyone needs to speak to Councilors to educate them on the fraud behind the numbers and present hard evidence to ensure a better path is followed.