A very good article David, albeit a scary one too. I guess these topics are just 'too far out there' for most people to digest. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Now if we could just get the average sleepy head to wake up.

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Very well said. Although it does take a huge expanse of land to raise beef cattle and allow them to graze naturally. The threat globalism presents stresses the importance of supporting independent stores and farms. Unfortunately, that link between the two must be a cooperative since small enterprises don't have the resources for satisfying large demand. But here is one thing to consider, we're running out of taxpayers. As the public sector balloons, the private sector deflates and if you are paid from tax revenue you do not contribute to tax revenue. Thus the rush to replace a fiat currency with an even more subjective one. I have to laugh at the local town and regional councils issuing tax hikes as though all is normal. Grandiose plans to spend more and more as their real revenue foundation cracks and crumbles. We're watching them build the ruins of the future. But somewhere along the line the whole scheme will come crashing down. Canada, in particular, is experiencing a mass exodus (about 100,000 people a year and rising). It's hard to determine the mix but those fleeing are new immigrants and old stock alike. Mortgage defaults are at an all time high and, as you described so well, there are fewer and fewer private-sector job opportunities. Treasonous governments are the primary reason, and the unholy alliance of big government and big corporations is, in reality, pure, unadulterated fascism. It isn't much better in any of the Western World but the USA, after November, has the best chance—a big maybe—of staving off complete disaster. These days I spend most of my time trying to awaken folks because that's the most crucial job right now. However, most don't even want to hear it spoken, or read it. My age is a handicap, but at least we can go down fighting. Great article. I'll share it widely.

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Great analysis David. More proof of our political leadershit's clandestine (in plain sight!) disturbing/credible/deliberate plans to impose total CONtrol of humanity. We can stop it. But we must awaken/engage our independent critical thinking in the process...before '15-Minute Cities' become '1-Minute Cities' and eventually 'We'll have nothing...and they'll be happy.'' We get what we tolerate.

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