Fantastic post! Your "Notes on the Uxbridge Strategic Plan 2026 – 2030" are very thorough and well thought out.

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Thank you for your comment, Janine. There's so much we've not been paying attention to these past few years (read: decades), it's hard to know where to begin now. Still, I think we may be just in time :-)

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I absolutely agree with you.

For so many years I have been encouraging people I know to become more engaged with what is going on around us, in our communities and the education system (to name a few), to get people to try to connect dots or critically think of what is being said and done. It is nice to see more people becoming aware and getting involved however they can.

There is no perfect place to begin, we just need to begin. I think that just the act of starting is what is needed to ignite people and movements. The brave few, like you, are an inspiration for others to step in and help.

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Thank you again, Janine. Yes. . . it's all about the 'engagement.' The PsyOp phase of the Globalists' 'coup' has gone as far as it can go. . . now it's time for 'boots on the ground' (ours or theirs). We must keep on doing what we're doing.

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